Progress Continues

It sure has been busy in Ohop Valley!

Since the groundbreaking celebration in mid-July, construction has continued almost non-stop. To date, the new channel is almost half way completed, and many large woody debris (LWD) piles have been installed! The LWD creates habitat, shelter and shade for salmon and other aquatic species.

Large woody debris is installed to provide refuge for fish.
Large woody debris is installed to provide refuge for fish.
The meanders in the new channel will mimic the historical conditions of Ohop Creek. It's about half way completed!
The meanders in the new channel will mimic the historical conditions of Ohop Creek. It’s about half way completed!
Water is already making itself at home in the new creek bed!
Water is already making itself at home in the new creek bed!
Thanks to the hard work from our construction crew, an incredible amount of progress has been made!
Thanks to the hard work from our construction crew, an incredible amount of progress has been made!
The new creek bed is much shallower than the ditch it has been flowing through. This provides much better habitat!
The new creek bed is much shallower than the ditch it has been flowing through. This provides much better habitat!

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